Sunday, January 30, 2011

Life's riddle!

Stuck in Life's riddle??? You don't need a miracle to solve it!
Deciphering it will take a little longer, have hope!!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Life is a radio

Life isn't an i-pod to listen to your favorite songs. 
Its a live radio, you must adjust yourself to every frequency & enjoy what ever airs in it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Love makes the world go round

Love is a deep understanding between two connected souls by trust built on interaction.

In a fraction of a second a fanatic can change his mind and look at the world from a different angle. There were many cases reported in the past, dangerous decoits or gruesome killers have become silent as a lamb. 

Below is a video which has touched my heart this morning and wanted to share....

One's life can change in any moment, this spark can be either influenced or self ignited from within. So always keep your eyes and ears open. You may not know what you see or hear something new or interesting  that would change your attitude towards something!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Life Death and the Zodiac

Everyone is talking about their sun-sign or zodiac change (whatever you like to call it)... Some say i want to remain  Aries, and some Pisces . These superstitions are been followed by masses through out the world from ages. The point is why follow the astrology if it isn't real and these predictions are made by someone who cannot predict his or her future? Well the new addition Ophiuchus to the zodiac proves that you have been following something worthless. There is something called destiny one bound to follow its predefined path and no matter what you cannot change it no matter what! 

Ones life begins from darkness of the mother's womb, 
In pursuit of  light, he confronts ladders and blockades.
No matter what he conquers, he abandons his loot,
With the power of knowledge and life's lessons.
He returns to the world darkness with an internal light.  
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Why am I a Hindu?

I wish to share a wonderful article that I received from my friend that changed my perspective to look at religion.  Disclaimer: This ...